Policies Rates Booking
Please be on time for your session. If you are late, the session will be conducted within the time remaining in your scheduled appointment.
You will be charged the full session fee if you miss an appointment without at least 12-hour notice. Please call Jeremy at 805-665-3728
in the event that you cannot make your appointment.
You will be charged the full session fee if you miss an appointment without at least 12-hour notice. Please call Jeremy at 805-665-3728
in the event that you cannot make your appointment.
What to Expect and What to Wear
Rolfing® is done on a bodywork table, but there is more client movement than during a massage. Clients typically shift positions several times in a session to allow better contact to the area being worked. For this reason the typical draping done with sheets during a massage is not done in a Rolfing® session. Clients can be covered with a sheet and a blanket for temperature comfort.
The most important thing regarding what to wear during a session is that the client is at ease in the therapeutic setting. Some clients are comfortable their underwear (which is historically typical for Rolfing® sessions): briefs and bra for women and briefs or boxer briefs for men. Other options are workout gear like shorts and exercise bra for women, bathing suits, or what would be worn to a yoga class.
What Men can wear: athletic apparel, swimsuit, briefs or boxer briefs (historically typical)
What Women can wear: athletic or yoga apparel, two-piece swimsuit, full coverage briefs and bra (historically typical)
Again, it is most important that the client is at ease in the session and not worried about the state of undress.
The most important thing regarding what to wear during a session is that the client is at ease in the therapeutic setting. Some clients are comfortable their underwear (which is historically typical for Rolfing® sessions): briefs and bra for women and briefs or boxer briefs for men. Other options are workout gear like shorts and exercise bra for women, bathing suits, or what would be worn to a yoga class.
What Men can wear: athletic apparel, swimsuit, briefs or boxer briefs (historically typical)
What Women can wear: athletic or yoga apparel, two-piece swimsuit, full coverage briefs and bra (historically typical)
Again, it is most important that the client is at ease in the session and not worried about the state of undress.
Rolfing® Structural Integration
Per session (approx. 1.5 hours) - $200
Introductory rate for your first session - 1.5 hours for $175 **PLEASE NOTE - This offer does not apply to house calls.
One-hour session - a shorter, more affordable alternative - $150 (no introductory rate available for one-hour sessions).
For a free 1/2-hour Rolfing® consultation, call Jeremy at 805-665-3728, or book an appointment below.
House calls
My hourly rate for house calls is $150, with a minimum of 1.5 hours, plus a $25 house-call fee for house calls in the Santa Barbara area (please check with me for pricing of further travel distances).
Abdominal massage - a combination of osteopathic techniques and Chinese abdominal massage.
1 hour session - $150
Per session (approx. 1.5 hours) - $200
Introductory rate for your first session - 1.5 hours for $175 **PLEASE NOTE - This offer does not apply to house calls.
One-hour session - a shorter, more affordable alternative - $150 (no introductory rate available for one-hour sessions).
For a free 1/2-hour Rolfing® consultation, call Jeremy at 805-665-3728, or book an appointment below.
House calls
My hourly rate for house calls is $150, with a minimum of 1.5 hours, plus a $25 house-call fee for house calls in the Santa Barbara area (please check with me for pricing of further travel distances).
Abdominal massage - a combination of osteopathic techniques and Chinese abdominal massage.
1 hour session - $150
Lower rates apply for children 12 and under, please contact me to discuss.
Please use the button below to book an appointment, or contact me at 805-665-3728.
“Rolfing®” and "Rolfer®” are registered service marks of the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, Boulder, Colorado